Maku Speaks

Maku: Chief Black
Thunder Bird Eagle - Chief of the Yamassee Native American
Moors of the Creek Nation - BIA Registry # 208/1999 that is
when we registered to the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Our
constitution of Declaration of Indigenous status, already been
in existence since 1992. They refer to as Dr.
Malachi and insult me as Dwight.
Maku speaks about
his torture and the government's excessive use of force and
the bogus plea agreement. How his doctor of over 10
years, Dr. William Thompson was blocked and denied from giving
him his much needed medical attention. |

Exclusive Interview with Dr.
Malachi Z. York
"Maku" Chief Black
Thunderbird Eagle speaks
about his torture and the government's excessive use of
force and the bogus plea agreement. How his doctor
of over 10 years, Dr. William Thompson was blocked and
denied from giving him his much needed medical attention. |
Interview with Dr. Malachi Z.
York on March 5th, 2004. He answers the questions regarding
"Closed Court". Why the judge, Ashley Royal closed the court
from the public. He also speaks about Jacob York and the role
he plays in this conspiracy.
Part 2 of the Interview with Dr. Malachi Z. York on March 5,
2004 regarding why Judge Ashley Royal closed the court
from the public.
Interview with Dr. Malachi Z.
YOrk. Listen to Dr. Malachi Z. York as he set the record
straight regarding his reason for moving to Georgia?
Dr. Malachi Z. York was charged with "Interstate Commerce",
transporting minors across state line, for the sole purpose of
having sex with them. But according to a court hearing on May
14, 2002 A.D. Special Agent Jalaine Ward of the FBI, stated on
the record that they had no witnesses. And on April 1, 2003
A.D., District Attorney Richard Moultrie said prosecutors had
"scant" evidence. What exactly does he mean by "scant
evidence"? According to Webster's Dictionary scant means
"barely sufficient".
Dr. Malachi Z. York answers the
following questions:
Ques: Do you feel
like you received a fair trial?