Dr. Malachi Z. York

Closed Courtroom and Sealed Transcripts
Lets begin, first you have the government
with so-called alleged victims that said they were molested and
the government did not present any audio or video recordings of
these alleged victims testimonies in court and when FBI agent
Mrs. Juliane Ward said, from the very begin of this case in the bond
hearing courtroom that the government did not have any witnesses
that said Dr. York transported children to Georgia this throws
the federal governments' case out the door, so the federal
judges in this case from the very beginning is showing how they
are going to judge this case, for starters.
The Federal Government couldn't let the
public see these inconsistencies.
The government was told that other children
at the Yamassee village was still being molested so the
government raid the village and kidnapped 5 alleged victims and
confiscated all the physical evidence at the 2 properties, look
at this they took video recordings of lecture classes, pictures,
our computers and all that they wanted to take, but
didn't show the search warrant and what was on it to the
property owners, now back to the 5 children aging from 13
to 16 took them and questioned them about these alleged charges
without no impartial witness like an attorney or family member
of the children just the police and not one of the children said
they was molested by the defendants and the government also gave
these children a thorough physical examination, what did they
find that these 5 children was not abused,
"are you starting to see why the
government had to close the court from the public?"
The government had NO REAL proof that
molestation took place.
Now to show you why the government
closed the courtroom from the public is because these same 5
children almost 2 years later still testified that Dr. Malachi Z
York did not molest them at all and here is what took place in
the courtroom at trial briefly,
looking at
the witness list you will
see that the defense attorney called 3 of the alleged victims to
the witness stand and the federal government called 2 and only 1
changed her story because her family the (LaRoach's) are apart
of this big government conspiracyand all the others testimonies on the transcripts say that they were never
molested, even 1 of the alleged victims that the prosecution
called to the witness stand.
Keep in mind that a judge released 4 of
these children to their parents and kept 1 in the custody of the
government, why? because the mother and father was being accused
that they were molesting this child and the others, so the
government call this same child to the witness stand and he said
he was never molested, period.
Ques: Where is the government's proof
that Dr. York molested these alleged victims?
I'm starting to see why the government
closed the courtroom from the public, are you?
e-mail us with what you think
Ques: Why when some of the other Yamassee
children were interviewed the day of the raid they were all
shocked when the FBI agents questioned them about molestation
and all said they were never molested?
View the children
The child with the number 12 jersey on is
Ms. Pauline Rogers son, this shows why Pauline would write a
letter that children was being molested because Dr. York
had custody of his children by Ms. Rogers.
Ms. Pauline was the anonymous letter writer
(Disgruntle) couldn't get her way.
Ques: Where, from the beginning did the
federal government prove their case of interstate commerce?
ANS: They didn't.
Now where was the attorney for Dr. York,
according to the bond hearing transcripts he didn't put on
record a motion to dismiss for lack of evidence, so Mr. Ed
Garland high paid attorney 1.5 million dollars where were you, and why didn't you
rebut any of the false government statements in the media and we
want Ed Garland's law firm to show the world where did
they put a motion for an appeal for our Maku after the
judgment to detain Chief Black Eagle.
Ques: Why didn't you take
the fight to the public via., newspapers, television, and the
radio the Yamassee tribal members did?
We see you was placed there to help the
government railroad your client.
You protected T.I. the rap artist for
getting caught dead handed with tactical weapons and you
immediately addressed all the negative government statements in
the news, so why didn't you do that for Dr. York.
As soon as Mrs. Ward said she didn't have a
witness for the government charges a novice attorney
knows to place a motion in for lack of evidence (DISMISS)
but what did you do NO more questions
for Mrs. Ward.
An attorney that was fighting for their
client loves a case like this because it was over right here the
federal government said they don't have any witnesses for their
original charges at this point the case should have been thrown
out by the judge.
The federal government tried Dr. York on
molestation and what we want to point out is the federal
government don't have molestation in their law book, (NO
this was an state case.
Conspiracy keep Dr. York in jail until they
come up with something 16 months latter
(Superseding Indictment) RICO, that
right RICO was not in the original charges do you see some of
the role of the government's conspiracy.