Dr. Malachi Z. York

Our Constitution
Government Key
Witness Recants Her Testimony
Federal Court Pretrial
Everyone keep asking us how can we
help well we know our Maku can help himself with money in his
commissary because legal documents cost, stamps cost, envelops
cost and so on so read how you can send your donation and stop
helping the enemy with giving them money to help keep our Maku
in jail the cointelpro agents will tell you that the government
will use his commissary funds for restitution fines this is not
true and this is why you don't hear from the legal documents
via; Pro se motion from our Maku and we are not talking about
the illegal documents that the cointelpro agents were putting in
on our Maku's behalf.
So help by sending your funds to our
Maku direct.
Read further and call the BOP and ask
the question yourself, Do the money in an inmates commissary get
use for restitution fines?
Inmate Money
Deposit Fund History
In 1930 the Department of Justice authorized and established a
Commissary at each Federal institution. The Commissary was
created to provide a bank type account for inmate monies and for
the procurement of articles not issued regularly as part of the
institution administration. The purpose of individual inmate
Commissary accounts is to allow the Bureau of Prisons to
maintain inmates' monies while they are incarcerated. Family,
friends, or other sources may deposit funds into these accounts.
Funds may be sent to Federal inmates via the United States
Postal Service or via the Western Union Quick Collect Program.
In either case, the inmate must physically be housed at a
Federal Bureau of Prisons' facility before funds can be received
and posted. If the inmate is not physically in a Federal Bureau
of Prisons' facility, the funds cannot be posted and will be
returned or rejected.
U.S. Postal Service
Inmates' families and friends choosing to send inmates funds
through the mail must send those funds to the following address
and in accordance with the directions provided below:
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Insert Valid Committed Inmate Name
Insert Inmate Eight-Digit Register Number
Post Office Box 474701
Des Moines, Iowa 50947-0001
The deposit must be in the form of a money order made out to the
inmate's full committed name and complete eight-digit register
number. Effective December 1, 2007, all non-postal money orders
and non-government checks processed through the National Lockbox
will be placed on a 15-day hold. The Bureau of Prisons will
return to the sender funds that do not have valid inmate
information provided the envelope has an adequate return
address. Personal checks and cash cannot be accepted for
The sender's name and return address must appear on the upper
left-hand corner of the envelope to ensure that the funds can be
returned to the sender in the event that they cannot be posted
to the inmate's account. The deposit envelope must not contain
any items intended for delivery to the inmate. The Bureau of
Prisons shall dispose of all items included with the funds.
In the event funds have been mailed but have not been received
in the inmate's account and adequate time has passed for mail
service to Des Moines, Iowa, the sender must initiate a tracer
with the entity who sold them the money order to resolve any
Western Union Quick Collect Program
Inmates' families and friends may also send inmates funds
through Western Union's Quick Collect Program. All funds sent
via Western Union's Quick Collect will be posted to the inmate's
account within two to four hours, when those funds are sent
between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. EST (seven days per week,
including holidays). Funds received after 9:00 pm EST will be
posted by 7:00 am EST the following morning. Funds sent to an
inmate through the Quick Collect Program may be sent via one of
the following ways:
1) At an agent location with cash: The inmate's family or
friends must complete a Quick Collect Form. Click here to view a
sample Quick Collect Form. To find the nearest agent, they may
call 1-800-325-6000 or go to www.westernunion.com.
2) By phone using a credit/debit card: The inmate's family or
friends may simply call 1-800-634-3422 and press option 2.
3) ONLINE using a credit/debit card: The inmate's family and
friends may go to www.westernunion.com and select "Quick
For each Western Union Quick Collect transaction, the following
information must be provided:
1) Valid Inmate Eight-Digit Register Number (entered with no
spaces or dashes) followed immediately by Inmate's Last Name
2) Committed Inmate Full Name entered on Attention Line
3) Code City: FBOP, DC
Please note that the inmate's committed name and eight-digit
register number must be entered correctly. If the sender does
not provide the correct information, the transaction cannot be
completed. The Code City is always FBOP, DC.
Each transaction is accepted or rejected at the point of sale.
The sender has the sole responsibility of sending the funds to
the correct inmate. If an incorrect register number and/or name
are used and accepted and posted to that inmate, funds may not
be returned.
Any questions or concerns regarding Western Union transfers
should be directed to Western Union by the sender (general
public). Questions or concerns should not be directed to the
Federal Bureau of Prisons.
For additional
information concerning inmate Commissary account deposit
procedures, please see the Bureau of Prisons Trust
Fund/Warehouse/Laundry Manual (PS 4500.07) or 28 CFR Parts 506
and 540. For information concerning a specific deposit, please
contact Federal Bureau of Prisons' staff at 202-307-2712 between
8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. ET.