Dr. Malachi Z. York

Our Constitution
Government Key
Witness Recants Her Testimony
Federal Court Pretrial
These two files was down
loaded from a pacer account and if you look on the court docket
sheet you will see these motion one from the prosecution and the
other from a concerned citizen, now why is the government in
2006 asking to unseal the trial transcripts and in 2009 when a
citizen ask to have these transcripts unsealed the government
denies the motion. This is how the government play their game
with this unjust case against Dr. Malachi York (Misnomer Dwight
D York) read these 2 motions and uncover the game of the
The governments fear is
you the public knowing the truth and that truth is Dr. Malachi Z
York is not a child molester or a leader of a criminal
Ash yourself why was only
2 people held responsible for this false claim that the
government feed to the public, and that claim was that the
Yamassee Nuwaubians are involve in a criminal organization