Dr. Malachi Z. York

Social Engineering of Black People by Secret
U.S. Government
The American government has a secret element within it. This
secret element equates to being a secret government concealed
within an existing government. This covert government is
secretly committed to ensuring that America’s white dominance
and control is maintained –regardless of who is actually
President. Moreover, it has secretly developed classified
programs for meeting this racist agenda, and is actively working
in communities across America implementing it.
This secret government has been covertly working behind the
scene to ensure the continuance of America’s white dominance and
control for the last several decades. This secret government is
engaged in social engineering by way of mass media manipulation.
It is engaged in domestic operations across America that is
changing and shaping the American society into what it believes
America should look like.
The secret government has been in the business of creating
propaganda that perpetuates white superiority and racially
devalues other targeted groups. Government agents who are
implementing this secret government's agenda are using the
media’s proven mass manipulating capabilities to carry out their
Those government agents who specialize in psychiatry,
propaganda, and social engineering analyze surveillance
information gathered about the targeted group.
Decisions are
then made on which fraudulent stories to produce to best
negatively define and engender certain psychological feelings
within the targeted group. The secret government then creates
fraudulent news report, hoaxes and deplorably negative
statistics about the targeted group. These false deplorable
depictions, stories and news reports about the targeted group
are then displayed on news reports across America. These
depictions are deliberately designed to garner certain
psychological feelings among the targeted group that benefits
the secret governments agenda of maintaining the U.S. white
dominance and control.
By subjecting them to seeing only the fraudulent worst in
themselves, the negative propaganda causes disunity, division
and self hatred among the targeted groups. It also implies that
they trust and respect only whites. This psychosocial
program/technology provides the secret government with a very
sophisticated and covert method of controlling the targeted
The next stage of the government's operation against the
targeted group will be the attack stage. The government agents
will use the deplorable depictions gathered about the targeted
group to justify their mistreatment or to make others
insensitive to their plight.
After several years of this
negative psychosocial program about the targeted group, the
American public after hearing and seeing these stories will have
their opinions formed regarding the targeted group.
The American
people will be convinced that the mistreatment of the targeted
group is not only justified, but is also absolutely necessary.
The secret Government creates fear and hatred towards the group.
Then it will use this fear and hatred the American people feel
to deliberately foster a national consensual setting for the
mistreatment of the targeted group. This is what mass
manipulation experts refer to as engineered consent. Hitler’s
Propaganda experts implemented the same program against the Jews
as a precursor to the gas chambers.
This mass manipulation technology is a very sophisticated method
of control. Furthermore it is the same classified technology
used against foreign adversaries. The technology was developed
to protect national security and is now secretly being used
domestically to defend the white race’s position of power and
dominance against its growing minority group.
This mass media
driven psychosocial program goes completely undetected by the
group targeted.
However its effects are detrimentally real and
very proficient at adversely effecting the self perceptions of
the targeted groups. The targeted group will never know they are
being mass manipulated and socially engineered (programmed) to
hate themselves.
Most people who have been victims of this
social engineering remain totally oblivious of it even when it
is destroying their lives.
Some have bought into the
conditioning so much that they have disdain for those who are
determined to break free from the this psychosocial program.
Since these methods of socially engineering mass populations are
classified, no one locally to the targeted group will understand
it or believe it is being used against the targeted group.
Basically if this classified mass manipulation program is used
against a group, they have no way to detect it or anyone to
report the unethical activity to.
The secret government's agents operate above the law. In the
eyes of federal, state, and local law
enforcement, this
technology doesn't exist. Groups targeted by the secret
government agents are on their own.
Although most Blacks will never suspect that government agents
are doing this to them, this mass manipulation program is
deplored most tenaciously against America’s Black population.
America’s Black communities are covertly targeted by the secret
government in order to ensure that white dominance and control
is continued.
Black people are seeing through lenses that have been
deliberately assigned to them by white social engineering
experts. They are being conditioned to hate themselves and to
admire only whites through a deliberately designed psychosocial
program. The constant relentless bombardment with deplorably
negative images of themselves that of which African Americans
are so subjected to throughout the U.S. media is a deliberately
applied psychosocial program.
It deliberately inundates its
Black population with fraudulent misinformation that perpetuates
and frames the myth of Whites’ racial, moral, intellectual and
ethical superiority. It is a covert and sophisticated system of
ensuring the continuance of White racial hierarchy by way of
mass manipulation that shapes the minds and collective
perceptions of its Black population by subjecting them to seeing
only the fraudulent worst in themselves.
It is an insidious
method of control that misleads African Americans to believe
that it is now themselves that are their own worst enemies and
that therefore they require whites to govern over their lives.
It uses the media’s proven mass manipulation abilities to divide
and condition African Americans to accept white dominance over
their lives.
This psychosocial program is disseminated
unrelentingly everywhere through news releases in magazine
articles, radio, television, press releases, documentaries, and
false census reports. It is being deployed in all sectors -
government, media, health and welfare, entertainment, and
education, etc. Furthermore, it is the most detrimentally
proficient racist system ever deplored against African Americans
because most remain totally oblivious of its existence.
This concept of manipulation works by affecting the unconscious
mind through deception. Its weapon is the message that it
carries and the way that it adversely affects the targeted
recipient group in terms of their behavior. To the detriment of
many African Americans this system of applied psychological
conditioning has been an extremely effective. Its unrelenting
daily assault on the Black psyche engenders feelings of
self-doubt, self-loathing, and distrust among their group. It
also develops profound feelings of internalized self contempt
that pulverizes Black unity and halts Black upward mobility. It
totally detaches African Americans’ sense of racial unity and
cohesion and also totally detaches them from their sense of
power and reality while insinuating that they admire, respect,
and trust only Whites.
This method of control provides America’s secret government with
a more socially acceptable means of ensuring the continuance of
its White racial hierarchy given that it is not as easily
recognized. Unlike the blatantly brutal forms of racism used in
the past, which Blacks were able to identify easily and
therefore unify and form counter strategies, this modern system
is more covertly deplored and works from a psychological
This massive psychosocial program also creates a national
climate that is insensitive to the plight of African Americans
—thus fostering a consensual national setting of where in which
Blacks are more easily mistreated and suppressed. This
psychosocial program’s distorted deplorable depiction of African
Americans changes the root problem of racism in America to be
due to Black’s behavior rather than White’s proclivity for
This creates a shift of victimization—in favor of
whites-- that engenders acrimonious beliefs about African
Americans that makes the nation and the entire world insensitive
to their plight, tranquilizes efforts on their behalf, lessens
pressure for social change on their behalf and makes any serious
criticism of White racism almost impossible today.
This produces false justifications for the legal system’s
mistreatment of African Americans. Wherein they are
disproportionately incarcerated, given stiffer sentences, and
are more likely than other racial groups to be treated brutally,
beaten, and fired upon by police officers while they are
unarmed. These injustices now goes ignored because the
perception has become that it’s all now justified.
When contempt of Blacks is made to appear to be justifiable, it
is the most fiercest and effective type of racism because its
witnesses, bystanders, and even world audiences will sit by idly
allowing African Americans to be brutally mistreated
disproportionately incarcerated under the belief that it is
justified.] It also affects attitudes that when enacted through
governmental policies, laws, and other legislation actions,
serve to ensure that African Americans will not advance. Its
effects are manifested in ideas, education, governmental
policies, economic stratification, social segregation, housing
markets, hiring and promotion practices, psychological issues,
and minority access to a variety of social services and
The objective of the United States government has always been to
maintain its White dominance over its Black population, and
clearly, this mass media psychological manipulation campaign
meets this need—because it covertly manipulates the self
perceptions of African Americans and creates a national climate
that allows the government to consensually suppress the
advancement of its African American population-thus maintaining
its White racial dominance and control.
Most African Americans have no idea of the influence the secret
American government has had on their lives.
I wonder what would
these people do if they discovered that their perceptions were
the result of the secret government's social engineering?
posting has only mentioned a few of the social engineering
programs orchestrated by the secret American government against
its Black population over the decades. It's unknown how the
African American people would react if they discovered how they
were manipulated over the decades. What is known is that in
order for those who have been misled to begin to see
“correctly”, they must have a clear, analytical understanding of
the origin, strategies, mechanics, purpose and methods of the
device that has blinded them in the first place. Therefore it is
imperative that this email is forwarded. Please post this
information in other newsgroups and lists.
Thank You.
“When the truth comes along and you know in your bones that it’s
the truth yet you still refuse to accept and defend it you then
really begin to die.”