Dr. Malachi Z. York

CAT CASE VIDEO [read this]
Government Key
Witness Recants Her Testimony
Ques: Why is the government still holding
Dr. Malachi Z York-EL with these FACTS from there lead witness?
Ans: Because, Abigail recantment proves the
government targeted Dr. Malachi Z York-EL and the pretrial transcripts
backs her testimony, No EVIDENCE, Agents didn't audio tape or video tape
the alleged victims statements and more. (Government Conspiracy)
What happens when Black
people can no longer recognize white racism? [read
Dr. Malachi Z York-El caring ways

click here for Putnam County Tax Assessors Office
click here
for the Clarke County Tax Assessors Office
Here is more proof of what Dr.
Malachi Z. York has been saying all along.
9 property owners read this
article back in 2000 A.D.
President of the Yamassee Nuwaubian Native American Moors
Malachi Z York son's name is Dwight and he did allot of the
earlier transactions for Dr. York, this is why Mrs. Maryann
Tanner the clerk at the time stated "Dwight was young and about
36 years old" and in earlier news articles the journalist wrote
that Dr. York was 36 years old, that was his son's age and this
can be proven. The original documents do not have AKA Malachi
York this is the Putnam County Government at work, if you look
at the Clarke County documents they say Malachi York and not
Dwight, remember the FBI said they did a paper trail
Ques: Why so many inconsistencies in these documents and
Malachi York was not charged with Fraud ?
The Yamassee
Nuwaubians Moors said things like paper work such as permit
filings and more would all of a sudden disappear in the zoning
office, paper work being filed in the Yamassee Nuwaubians Moors
name by unknown people so, the Nuwaubians is pointing out that
the property was quit claim to a Pure Trust by Mr. Malachi York
way back before this case and now all of a sudden you see the
deed sheet reading many transactions, the Putnam County
government is trying to fool the public.
The above image is taken from Putnam county Tax Assessor's
website. It proves that Dr. Malachi Z. York was not the
current owner during the illegal seizure of the Nuwaubian Nation
of Moors (Tribal name Yamassee) land (476 acres of land).
As you can plainly see Dr. Malachi Z. York quit claim deed to
Ethel Richardson and Others, proving the conflict of
interest. The conflict of
interest is, Judge C.
Ashley Royal was the attorney that tried a case against Mrs.
Richardson for the wrongful death of Dr. Roosevelt Richardson,
where Judge C Ashley Royal was an attorney for Oconee Regional
Medical Center case NO. 98CV34669C, where the Richardson was
reward a large sum of money ( NO REPLACEMENT FOR THEIR LOVE
ONE), this is Dr. York's step father and grandfather to 3 of Dr.
York's children.
Conflict of Interest2
Mrs. Ethel Richards is one of the land owners of 404 Shady Dale
Rd., that was seized the federal government, where Judge C.
Ashley Royal was the presiding judge in the case against Dr.
Malachi Z. York (misnomer "Dwight D. York") these records prove
what the Original Land Owners have been saying all along,
that this case against Dr York wasn't about child molestation
but about the racist in Putnam County who was not use to seeing
Nubian ( BLACK ) people doing great wonders without THEIR HELP.
Sheriff Sills would like to make the public think the
Yamassee Village was poorly constructed, but the Yamassee didn't
think so.
When reviewing these document keep in mind Putnam County
Officials is working together to take the Yamassee (Nuwaubian
Native American Moors) land, and the Yamassee Nuwaubians would
like to point these facts out.
This is what the racist in Putnam County thought of the
beautiful art work of the Nuwaubians [read
Remember the dates of this case and you will see the Federal
Government violated their own laws when forfeiting on the
Yamassee Nuwaubians Village and then allowing it to be DESTORYED.
Ques: WHY ?
Ans: This case was not completely over, the Putnam County
government wanted to erase the Yamassee Nuwaubians Home from the
memories of the Yamassee children, so they DESTROYED the village
while the case was still open.
