Dr. Malachi Z. York
Dr. Malachi Z York-EL ask all that is concerned in this unjust
case to review the FEDERAL CASE PRE-TRIAL TRANSCRIPTS to get a
clear picture of this governments conspiracy of suppressing the
Indigenous people of this land called America.
[view the pre-trial
Maku "Chief" Black Eagle is being Tortured for standing up for
his human rights.
1. Judge C Ashley Royal was an attorney against the Richardson
family that lived on the Yamassee Nuwaubian land at the time of
this malpractice case where Attorney C Ashley Royal at the time
lost because he was defending his clients that was ( The
Criminals in this case, killing one of our elders) this is the
kind of man Judge C Ashley Royal is, defending criminals is
apart of his biography.
2. The FBI want you to believe that alleged victims came in
their office to press charges against our Maku and they did not
take video or audio recordings of these interviews, come on
after 911 it was mandatory, who do they think they can fool in
these days, oops it looks like they are trying to fool the
public with the help of their buddies the media. Sorry not today
we see exactly what you have done imprisoned a innocent man for
standing up for his GOD giving Rights.
3. Take away Dr. York's presumption of innocence by saturating
the media with LIES that they have VIDEO and AUDIO TAPINGS,
calling us the United Nuwaubian Nation Of Moors and then calling
us a CULT this is the tactics the government was using to
confuse the public, but when honorable men and women came out to
support the injustices, these RACIST that don't see all HUMANITY
as EQUAL came up with this conspiracy and their key witness Habibah ( Abigail ) Washington and some of the Alleged victims
that was named in the indictment but the FBI did not try to
contact or call as witnesses made video recordings and
appearances on TV., and still this government has our Maku
locked up with all these FACTS.
4. The name game Malachi York or Dwight D York, this game don't
add up when
Dr. Malachi Z York-EL have in HUNDREDS of books and legal
driver license and social security card with Malachi York and
the government knows these facts because they are the ones that
issued these legal documents to all their citizens, the
government didn't say Dr. York had PHONY DOCUMENTS in their
indictments so way the name game if this is not a GOVERNMENT
5. Destroy our beautiful cultural land where we all preformed
our ancient cultural ceremonies to gave respect to our Ancestors
and where we came to enjoy a peaceful environment without WAR,
unheard of place in the Nubian community, how do the Nubian
KILL EACH OTHER. The TV and the music industry promote this
mentality only on what they consider the Minority Racial Groups
when in Fact we are the Majority, we all need to WAKEUP to this
6. Tell the public that its all about the children and we all
seen how President Bush responded to New Orleans and he was the
same President that nominated the Judge in this case, they didn't
care about our children they are a product of Racist Ancestry
that killed Nubian (Black Children) and enslaved us. When they
pushed us off of our land giving us 7 days to vacate they didn't ask not one of our
children or family members if they needed help, they was just
concern with destroying our home.

7.Moving an Inmate around the prison system is one of the ways the
government helps the prosecution to lose your legal documents so
the Inmate can't help to defend his self and if you didn't
notice they kept Dr. Malachi Z York-EL in Jones County a county
detention the longest amount of time where there is NO Law
Library so Dr. York had to rely on attorneys to handle his legal
affairs and the Ed Garland firm was paid according to Dr. York
1.5 million dollars to handle his case, 1.5 million dollars an
your attorney comes to you with a plea agreement Laughing Out Loud this
attorney is a CROOK and can't be TRUSTED, If you didn't know, the
Ed Garland's firm 3 weeks coming up to the trial date did not have
1 witness ready for the defense. This is one of the reason why
Dr. York hired Attorney Adrian Patrick and look at it this way,
my family pay an attorney 1.5 million dollars to collect all
necessary information for my freedom, you take the case you fight the
first time you appear in court then all of a sudden something
changed, Garland would not fight the case that I told him to
fight on the grounds that I'm a INDIGENOUS Native American Moor
and if you seen any of my pictures when I went to court in the
beginning of this case you will see me wearing a crimson fez
denoting my NATIONALITY, this government and the Ed. Garland
Law Firm do not respect my identity and my peoples identity, the
pictures prove who I say I am.

a law firm 1.5 million dollars to bring you a plea bargain that
is insane, if the world think this is something I just came up
with read my books and you will know I'm the real Maku check my
family tree I'm connected to Ben York a Malian Moor and a native
to these shores.
Ques: Why in the beginning of this case they
let me wear my custom attire and the government made me appear
in a orange jumpsuit and handcuffed and shackled, like they
didn't already know they didn't have a winning case?
Atlanta Journal-Constitution June 11, 2005
By Bill Torpy
Very few of the Nuwaubians still live in the area, Sills said, although about
eight of them who live in a rental house nearby dressed in white this week and
stood by the shoulder of the road in protest.
Psychological evaluation
Judge Royal then ruled on the motion for a psychological evaluation to make sure the defendant was competent to stand trial. This motion was put in on July 7, 2003 A.D. by Attorney Edward Garland and Attorney Manny Arora to have their client evaluated due to Dr. Malachi Z. York's claim of sovereignty and being a secured party.
8. With the Caucasian media and a
Confederate Judicial Panel, Judge, Prosecution, FBI agency,
Local Sheriff and your own Representation and a all Caucasian
Jury with the exception of 1 elderly Black women that said after
hearing all the LIES that the government alleged victims was
given immunity
for, How can you think you will receive a fair trial?