excerpt from "IS JESUS GOD? by
Dr. Malachi Z. York on page 194
"You can beat the devil and
his evil host, by knowing who is who, who he is, where he came
from, who grafted and made him, who like Dracula has no power
in true light. To destroy him you must write books,
movies, and teach the truth about who he is and what he is.
Take the covers off of him as the devil. Show the world
his true nature that puts light on him and it will burn him
up. When you put the light of truth on him it burns him
up into nothing. Knowing who he is will defeat the power
you have given him over you. ..."
Bulletins -
Nuwaubic Books
Click the link to buy
the E-books below
Right Knowledge Series
First Language |
27 |
Right Knowledge |
28 |
Mythology |
35 |
The Lost Tribe |
36 |
Our True Roots |
38 |
Our Bondage |
40 |
What is Nuwau-Bu? |
42 |
Breaking the Spell |
43 |
Garden of Eden |
49 |
Rizq & Illyuwn |
151 |
Nuwaubuu & Amunnubi |
152 |
Does Dr. Malachi Z.
York try to Hide the Facts that He Was Imaam Issa? |
153 |
Nibiru and the Anunnaqi
Fact or Fiction |
154 |
Are There Black Devils? |
1 |
Christ Series
Is Haile Selassie the
Christ? |
29 |
Who was Jesus'
Father? |
58 |
The Resurrection |
59 |
Who Was Jesus Sent
To? |
60 |
St. Paul, Disciple or
Deceiver? |
61 |
Could Jesus Transform
Himself? |
63 |
"GOD", "God", "god"
What is the difference |
66 |
Be Prepared for the
Anti-Christ |
67 |
What is Speaking in
Tongues? |
95 |
The Glory of Jesus
the Messiah |
115 |
Which Laws did Jesus
Follow? |
170 |
The Real Trinity |
The Three Jesus |
Was Christ Really
Crucified |
52 |
The Holy Shroud: Fact
or Fiction |
88 |
Which Jesus Did You
Follow? |
Who Carried the
Cross? |
Who Rolled the Stone? |
107 |
The Bride of Christ |
48 |
The "GOD" Series
Humans Were Created
from ... |
17 |
The Real Jesus |
34 |
What is God Doing for
You? |
54 |
Let's talk about the
end |
70 |
God Misinterpreted |
85 |
Is God a Wimp? |
86 |
Where is the Devil
Today? |
87 |
Does the New
Testament Contradict the Koran? |
88 |
Whose God is
Responsible? |
89 |
Does God and the
Devil Exist? |
93 |
What is God's
Language |
96 |
Does God Need
Religion? |
97 |
Does Religion Breed
Ignorance |
98 |
Does God Help His
Own? |
99 |
Is Jesus the God of
the Koran? |
100 |
Who is God? |
103 |
God Gave the Sign to
Jonah |
104 |
Fake God False
Christs |
105 |
Does God Need Love |
109 |
What is Soul & Spirit |
110 |
The Holy Tabernacle
Family Book (Sayings) |
114 |
Is the Koran
Authentic? |
118 |
Is Jesus God? |
120 |
The titles of Jesus
in the Bible and the Koran |
122 |
Sodom Misinterpreted |
123 |
Is there Life after
Death? |
124 |
Is God an
Extraterrestrial |
94 |
Is There a God? Parts
1-3 |
160 |
UFO & Extraterrestrial Scrolls
Man from Planet Rizq |
80 |
Science of Creation |
81 |
Mission Earth & the
Extraterrestrial Involvement |
82 |
Who lived before the
Adam and Eve Story? |
83 |
Shamballah and
Aghaarta, cities within the Earth |
131 |
The Melanin-Ite
Children |
133 |
Extraterrestrials and
Creation |
136 |
Science of Healing |
139 |
More Dynamic Scrolls!!!
The Little Guide Book
for Nuwaubians |
182 |
Holy Tabernacle Guide
to Better Living |
18 |
Conflict Between the
Gods |
130 |
Jesus as Tammuz and
Horus in History |
134 |
Are Pictures a Sin? |
135 |
Women who changed the
course of History |
144 |
What and Where is
Hell? |
146 |
People of the Sun |
147 |
Dr. York vs. the
computer |
149 |
Malachi, by the
Honorable Elijah Muhammad transcribed tapes pts 1&2
from 1954 & 1964 A.D. |
164 |
Shaikh Daoud Vs W.D.
Fard |
165 |
Post Graduate:
The Renewal of the Lessons |
166 |
Prophecies of the
Honorable Elijah Muhammad |
167 |
Nuwaubian Prayer |
168 |
7 Days of Creation |
169 |
El Maguraj-The
Pilgrimage |
171 |
Ancient Egypt and the
Pharaohs |
190 |
Science of the
Pyramids |
191 |
The Religion
Islam-Unmasked |
193 |
Let's Set the Record
Straight! |
360 |
Nubic: The
Language of the Nubians |
7 |
Muslims's Creeds True
or False |
71 |
Enoshites-Key of Life
and the Covenant |
75 |
Are There (UFO's)
Extraterrestrials In Your Midst? |
84 |
The Mystery
Clouds-Are They UFOs? |
91 |
Scriptural Scrolls
Introduction of the
Koran |
2 |
Qur'aan Chapters 1-2 |
2 |
Introduction to
Revelation |
64 |
El Injiyl Chapters
1-11 |
64 |
Introduction to
Exodus |
65 |
Exodus - The Torah -2
Chapters 1-12 |
65 |
Introduction to
Genesis |
90 |
Genesis the Torah
1-Chapters 1-13 |
90 |
Introduction to
Leviticus |
126 |
Leviticus the Torah 3
- Chapter 1-13 |
126 |
Introduction to
Numbers |
127 |
Numbers The Torah 4 -
Chapters 1-9 |
127 |
Introduction to
Deuteronomy |
128 |
Deuteronomy the Torah
5 |
128 |
Introduction to Ezra |
141 |
Ezra Chapters 1-10 |
141 |
The Unshakable Facts
- The Raatib |
9 |
The Book of Light |
72 |
The Prophet |
73 |
The Mind ( Hardback) |
78 |
Plato |
79 |
Scroll of Malachi |
111 |
Egyptian Book of the
Dead |
129 |