
Dr. Malachi Z. York

Our Constitution
Government Key
Witness Recants Her Testimony
Federal Court Pretrial
Kidnapping and Pre-Trial Detention
On May 8, 2002 A.D. Dr. Malachi Z York was arrested illegally
under the name "Dwight York” in a parking lot of a K-Mart
Shopping Center in Milledgeville, GA, by FBI and over 100 law
enforcement officers
While this was transpiring, law enforcement
officers from Putnam County, Baldwin County, Columbus County,
and Jones County , with agents from the Department of Natural
Resources, FBI and US Forestry , invaded the 404 Shady Dale Rd.
property in Eatonton, GA with 400 heavily armed foot soldiers.
Sheriff: Howard Richard Sills again gave
false information to the FBI that the Yamassee Nuwaubian Moors was stock-piling
weapons and were dangerous. He failed to mention to them that
over the last 10 years the GBI, FBI, Putnam County Sheriff
Department , have raided the property over 4 times, and found no
weapons or evidence of criminal activity. Sheriff: Howard
Richard Sills failed to mention that on two of these occasions,
Dr. Malachi Z York was taken to GBI and FBI headquarters to be
questioned and was given a lie detector test to see if he was
involved in any terroristic activities; and test results
confirmed that he was not involved in any terroristic
activities. These GBI Agents even came back to the land after
seeing that Dr. Malachi Z York was cooperative and courteous and
willing to assist them in their investigation.
These Agents returned on numerous occasions
to fish from the lakes on the Yamassee property. He has even aided
them in finding persons that were suspected to be affiliated
with the Yamassee Nuwaubian Moors, by transferring any and all information that
was filed on the suspects were given to the agents to further
their investigation
After his illegal arrest on May 8, 2002 A.D.
Dr. York was held in Federal custody on 4 counts of transporting
minors across state lines for indecent purposes.
Five days later, on May 13, 2002 A.D., there was a new
indictment in the State with 120 counts of child molestation;
and on August 2, 2002 A.D. the State of Georgia aided by
District Attorney Fred Bright and Asst. District Attorney Dawn
Baskin illegally held a grand jury hearing to re-indict Dr.
Malachi Z York.
The plot to use an illegal grand jury was exposed and that
indictment was quashed or dismissed on that same day. The State
of Georgia later vindictively re-indicted once again for the
third time on October 2, 2002 A.D. with 208 counts of child
These charges are fabricated to establish a criminal case
against Dr. Malachi Z York as a final effort to take the land
and get rid of the Yamassee Moors located at 404 Shady Dale, Dr.
York has continually stated his innocence and NO JURISDICTION
has been ignored.
Dr. Malachi Z York was seen before Magistrate Judge Claude Hicks
of the Middle District of Macon, GA on May 9, 13, and 14 2002 A.
D. to be arraigned for the federal charges. During this hearing,
Dr. Malachi Z York was denied bond by Judge Claude Hicks,
who admitted he has not seen the factual evidence supporting the
charges in the case.
Judge Claude Hicks ruled that Dr. Malachi Z York was a danger to
the community when those who the prosecution claimed were
alleged victims had already been taken into custody. Judge
Claude Hicks stated in open court that he felt in his opinion
that if Dr. Malachi Z York was set free, the acts for which he
was being accused of would continue.
Judge Hicks denied Dr. Malachi Z York his right to be presumed
innocent until proven guilty and placed himself in the position
of Judge and Jury by declaring him guilty before allowing him a
fair trial.
Judge Claude Hicks, before gathering and balancing the facts in
this case,
compared Dr. Malachi Z. York to Jim Jones of the Jones Town
Massacre and Jimmy Swaggart who was caught with a prostitute;
and Jim Baker , who defrauded his own congregation.
The State of Georgia, headed by Sheriff:
Howard Richard Sills also gathered the grand jury in Putnam
County to bring down the first bogus indictment.
Sills made himself:
1. A witness
2. a prosecutor for the state
3. and made a special presentment for the state.
Dr Malachi Z. York was indicted three separate times by the
State trying to cover their previous mistakes, an outright
violation of the law. These charges involve 13 alleged victims,
5 of which said nothing ever happened to them and that none of
these alleged acts ever occurred.
In addition, Judge Spivey in Juvenile Court
in Jones County of the Ocmulgee
Circuit stated in court on July 17, 2002 A.D., that none of
these particular children
(Hasnaa Evans, 16; Husnaa Evans 16;
Hanaan Meritt 16; Salha Eddington 14; and Isa Johnson, 13)
that were kidnapped off the 404 Shady Dale property and placed
into the custody of The Department of Family and Children
Services (DFACS) had any signs of ever being molested.
Out of the eight that remain, 3 have recanted their statements
and the 5 that continue to accuse Dr. York were individuals that
left the property after being reprimanded for indecent behavior
that was exposed and would not be tolerated.
During pre-trial hearings in the State case on January 16th and
17th 2003 A.D., Judge William Prior denied every motion that
could help Dr. Malachi Z. York properly defend his case. He was
never officially arraigned in the state, because he was
immediately transferred to state custody to the Clayton County
Sheriff Department from federal custody at the Atlanta Federal
Penitentiary , during the middle of his federal case 5:02-CR-27l.
This was done by the US Prosecutors, US Attorney Maxwell Wood;
Asst. US Attorney Richard Moultrie of Macon, GA; and District
Attorney Fred Bright; Asst. District Attorney Dawn Baskin of
Putnam County, GA , which is a violation of the Speedy Trial
Dr. Malachi Z York was forced, after being mentally and physically
tortured, a violation of 42 U.S.C. 1983 , to sign a plea
agreement in Federal Court on January 23, 2002 A.D. and the
State Court on January 24, 2002 A.D.
Dr. York was illegally detained by the Federal Government
for almost 2 years without a trial.
He has been denied the right to a fair trial and the
right to be innocent until proven guilty. He has been threatened
with life in prison along with harm to his family and Yamassee
tribal members if he persisted to taking his case to trial. Ms.
Kathy Johnson, Khadijah Merritt, C, Lampkin was pulled into this
case to help strengthen the governments cover up to incarcerate
the Yamassee Chief.
Former so-called defense attorneys Edward T.M. Garland and Manny
Arora motioned the court for Dr. York to under go
psychological evaluation to see if he was mentally competent to
stand trial, because these so-called lawyers did not want to
fight this case on the issues of the real jurisdiction. Dr.
Malachi Z. York was held at the Metropolitan Correctional Center
in New York, New York , for this psychological evaluation for
over 60 days , from August 14, 2003 - October 20, 2003 A.D. and
let us remind you this is not a Federal facility for a
psychological evaluation, this goes to show the world that this
was another
He was found to be competent and his Native American status was
no longer in question. Dr. William Ryan of the Bureau of Prisons
asserted in his report that , "he is a Native American/African
American and competent to stand trial" . His heritage should no
longer be on trial and a reason to perceive him to be
After being tortured and forced to take a plea under duress, Dr.
Malachi Z. York was incarcerated at the Jones County Sheriff
Department in Gray, GA for an additional 6 months while awaiting
sentencing, and the attorneys from the firm of Samuel, Garland
and Loeb after being paid $1.5 million, did not visit him once.
Attorney Frank Rubino of Miami, FL , an international lawyer,
was hired to aid Dr. Malachi Z. York argue the issue of his
Native American status and putting it on the court record that
he must to be tried amongst his peers as he is a Native
American, and be recognized as Maku “Chief”: Black Thunderbird
"Eagle" of the Yamassee Native Americans of the Creek Nation
Seminole, Creek, Shushuni, Washita Mound Builders. .
Dr. Malachi Z. York is a descendant of Ben
York through Old York,
referred to as Yusef Ben Ali, a Malian Moor, as well as a
Seminole from the Yamassee Native American Tribe of Mound
On October 24, 2003 the Macon Telegraph Newspaper publicized
plans for a second Federal indictment which tainted the grand
jury because of the negative pre-indictment publicity.
The Middle District and Northern Districts of Georgia were
spoiled, which is supported by the change of venue granted by
Judge C. Ashley Royal. Judge C. Ashley Royal's order stated that
the negative media that has been published by the Macon
Telegraph and Atlanta Journal Constitution about Nuwaubians and
Dr. Malachi Z. York has been monitored by the court over the
years and these biased articles will adversely affect him being
able to receive a fair trial. l
The trial was moved to Brunswick, GA , which is in the Southern
District of Georgia and it was revealed that The Brunswick News
was given information by Putnam County Sheriff: Howard Richard
Sills, who in turn printed an article in their small town
newspaper titled "Cult Leader to Stand Trial in Glynn" .
Sheriff: Sills has vindictively spoiled the venue, as he
previously did when the State trial was moved 20 minutes down
the road to Newton County, Covington, GA. Sheriff: Howard
Richard Sills has purposely worked to keep Dr. Malachi Z. York/
Chief Black Eagle from receiving a fair trial.
In a letter drafted by Asst. District Attorney Richard Moultrie
and sent to Attorney Edward T.M. Garland, Attorney Manubir Arora
and Attorney Frank A. Rubino, dated October 2, 2003 A.D.,
Federal Prosecutors US Attorney Max Wood and Asst. US Attorney
Richard Moultrie stated their intentions to seek a second
Federal indictment scheduled for November 15, 2003 A.D. Now keep
in mind a motion was placed on the docket as #47 where the
defense as for the government to present this kind of actions in
June 7, 2002 A.D. this new indictment comes 14 months latter.
QUES: Where is the Ed Garland Firm to
pursue motion #47 is this ineffective assistance?
06/07/2002 47 MOTION by USA as to Dwight D. York Requiring the
Govt to Admit or
Deny the Existence of Other Investigations and Potential
Indictments (ans)
(Entered: 06/07/2002)
On November 20, 2003 A.D. the United States Government
superseded the then-current indictment of 4 counts of
Transporting Minors for the purpose of unlawful sexual activity
and presented a new indictment to the grand jury in Macon, GA
for violations of the RICO statutes and the Mann Act. The new
indictment now alleges that the Yamassee Nuwaubian Nation Moors
was established for child molestation purposes.
This second indictment was done because the government would not
be able to try the case with out the RICO statute because the
alleged actions were outside of the statute of limitations. The
Grand Jury was drawn out of the Middle District of Georgia a
location where Judge C. Ashley Royal had already ruled was
tainted with negative pre-trial publicity. This second
indictment was a re-indictment not a superceding indictment. In
order for the indictment to be a superceding indictment, there
would need to be new evidence presented which creates a manifest
need for a superceding indictment.
The Government reaching for anything they
can also two years down the road and our Chief is still locked up
under these false allegations.
On December 16, 2003 A.D. Judge C. Ashley Royal stated in a
public hearing that he would seek to have the court room closed
to the public during the trial, yet he would allow only the
media to be present in the court room, which is a violation of
Dr. Malachi Z. York’s 6th Amendment right granted by the
Constitution of the United States of America and a violation of
the drafted Declaration of Human Rights for the United Nations.
On December 30, 2003 A.D. attorney Adrian
Patrick was made lead attorney and at this hearing he asked for
a continuance to get his case prepared, the judge denied this
The Federal Trial: United States v. Dwight York (Misnomer)
After nearly two years in pretrial detention, January 5th 2004
A.D. marked the start of the Federal trial against our Rev. Dr.
Malachi Z. York, U.S. Federal District Court Judge C. Ashley
Royal presiding. The Trial was held in Judge Royal's hometown of
Brunswick, Georgia in the Southern Judicial District due to
negative pre-trial publicity. Jury selection began at 9:00 AM.
Over 150 potential jurors entered the courthouse after passing
an excessive amount of heavily armed Federal and Local police.
There were no demonstrations or protests outside of the
courthouse through the duration of the entire trial. Several of
the prosecution's witnesses are on the payroll of the FBI and
government agencies. Immunity agreements were given to the REAL
pedophiles and child molesters. Other witnesses for the
prosecution included child abusers, and strippers. One of the
prosecution's witnesses at the end of her testimony said, "It
must all be a dream".
On numerous occasions during the case,
Presiding Judge C. Ashley Royal helped in the prosecution’s case
by entering evidence sua sponte [Latin - of one's own accord,
voluntarily] without prompting or suggestion.
The United States government claimed they had 200 witnesses but
only called 47 and out of those 47, most were FBI agents, and
there were only 7 alleged victims. Out of those 7 alleged
victims, 3 had stated the truth that nothing happened and
changed their stories after being threatened and pressured by
the government and their parents.
The remaining 4 contradicted themselves on the stand and 1 even
admitted to lying to the grand jury. Witnesses for the
government also lied about the raid that took place at 404 Shady
Dale Road, on May 8, 2002 A.D. denying the use of tear gas, and
excessive force. During this siege, there were guns pointed at
women and children and even on babies. Body bags were seen
during the raid being brought in bulk in anticipation of the
bloodshed Children were kidnapped and questioned without their
parents’ consent or knowledge.
Throughout the course of the trial, there were no videos or
pictures of any molestation
produced. The Federal Bureau of Investigation claimed to have
investigated Dr.
Malachi Z. York, yet nothing was produced in the trial showing
any thorough investigation such as surveillance videos or audio,
Because the Government knew its case was
fake and based on false allegations, they did
not even call or contact some of their own witnesses who they
claimed to be alleged victims in the indictment. In fact, the
defense called some of the alleged victims named in the
indictment, who testified for the Defense, on behalf of Rev. Dr.
Malachi Z. York, maintaining that NOTHING ever happened and that
he is innocent.
The prosecution closed and rested their
case, and subsequently re-opened their case under
the guise of putting up rebuttal witnesses to respond to the
Defense’ case, when actually
they were new witnesses.
Why? The prosecution realized they lost and were trying
to save their case by calling new witnesses to the stand.
Upon deciding a verdict, the jury was
hung and in matter of one hour, the sole dissenting juror
was persuaded to bring down a guilty verdict. This juror, number
62 maintained that Dr. Malachi Z York was set up and that
she had heard of another case where someone was found guilty
that was actually innocent. Despite the devastating case
presented by the defense, a Guilty verdict came down on 10 of
the 11 counts against Dr. Malachi York.
In an attempt to
obscure the numerous errors made, Judge C. Ashley Royal has
sealed the
transcripts to the trial. In fact, the prosecution only asked
the transcripts to be partially
sealed to protect the identities of the witnesses who testified
who were under 18, but
Judge Royal went beyond that extent to have the entire document
sealed from the public.
On numerous occasions during the case, Presiding Judge C. Ashley
Royal helped in the
prosecution’s case by entering evidence sua sponte [Latin
- of one's own accord,
voluntarily] without prompting or suggestion. This is only one
instance of Judge C. Ashley Royal demonstrating biasness,
favoring the prosecution. He also acknowledged that
he monitored the United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors website during
the trial. Even in
the pretrial hearing on December 16, 2004 A.D. he stated, “The reality of
the situation
is so much of what’s out there has been put out there on the web
site. So I’ve looked at
the material from the web site. I’m familiar with all of that.”
(December 16, 2004 Transcript P.74, L.
Judge C. Ashley Royal also would not allow Dr. Malachi Z York to
even get a pencil during the trial, which prohibited him from
taking notes that would aid
in his defense. Royal also rushed the trial, even holding court
during the Dr. Martin
Luther King Holiday , which stood in violation of the Federal
Rules of Criminal Procedure and was a blatant disrespect of Dr.
King’s legacy.
Judge Royal justified his actions by stating that trials of this
nature have to be pushed along, there were witnesses from out of
town and that the trial had already lasted two weeks and he did
not want to further tax the jury’s memory by being out of court
an additional day. The trial only began to be rushed once the
defense began mounting its case. After the government was given
nearly two weeks to mount their case, the Judge began stating
his concern about the speed of the trial and the necessity of
testimony once the Defense witnesses were on the stand.
From the beginning, there was a campaign by the U.S. Government
and the F.B.I. to
saturate the media with false allegations and exaggerations to
taint any potential jury
pool. There was also a concentrated effort in the media to
defame, slander, and character
assassinate Dr. Malachi Z. York. They wanted to find him guilty
in the court of public
opinion before any trial even took place. His presumption of
innocence was lost from the
beginning of this case.
It’s a number game. The media reports that he is charged with
208 counts of child
molestation in the case that the State of Georgia has against
him to insinuate that there are
208 alleged victims. They say they have 200 witnesses to imply
that 200 people saw the
alleged molestation take place. Don't be fooled . There are no
208 alleged victims, there
are 13 and out of those 13, 5 of them were kidnapped during the
invasion and raid of the
property at 404 Shady Dale Rd and taken into the custody of
DFACS by former
Detective and sidekick of Sheriff Sills, and now known drug
user, Noel Lee Wilson.
Those 5 alleged victims stated they were NEVER molested and 4 of
them have been
released to their parents. 1 remains in DFACS custody and still
maintains that nothing
ever happened. Of the 8 remaining alleged victims, 3 have
recanted their statements as
well as told reasons for lying in the first place. They were
forced to lie and promised money and other things.
One of the original 5 children that was kidnapped changed her
story when she moved in with the major conspirators (Salha
This leaves 5 alleged victims in which the prosecution said from
their own mouths, which can be verified in the public
transcripts, that they have no videotapes, pictures, or physical
evidence that is consistent with the charges. As for the 200
so-called witnesses, 175 of them are State and Federal Agents
that participated in the invasion and raid of the property at
404 Shady Dale Rd. This leaves 25, and of that, 18 are people
that resided or were visiting the property at 404 Shady Dale Rd.
and Athens. This leaves 7 so-called Witnesses. These 7 so-called
witnesses have so much dirty laundry. We have witnesses, sworn
statements, diaries, letters, and pictures of the orgies and
deviant sexual behavior of these
7 individuals.
How they were into group sex exchanging partners, molesting
minors and much more.
Defense had witnesses that attacked every aspect of the
prosecutions allegations.
These witnesses refuted all of their BOGUS claims including:
Dr. Malachi York is the undisputed leader and sole
controller of everything and everybody in the organization –
Horace Wright, the leader of the London community, testified to
clear up this falsehood.
Horace told the jury that he has video and audio tapes of
himself teaching and leading his
congregation in London. Horace also testified and told the jury
what the word Imam
really means " one up front " and that he himself is the Imam
over in London. He also told
the jury that there is no way that Malachi York could be Jesus
or God or even 6000
years old, and be born June 26th 1945. Horace read the back
cover of a video taped
lecture of Dr. Malachi York where Mr. York says "I
am NOT Jesus
or a Prophet". So much for those allegations!!
Dr. Malachi York sexually molested under aged boys and girls -
Every witness for the defense adamantly denied any such
allegation. They also denied
seeing anyone else being molested. The Defense called 8 of the
prosecution's very own
alleged victims that they named in the indictment. All 8 denied
any allegations of
molestations. They all said NO! Some of these alleged victims
were served subpoenas,
but were never called by the prosecution.
Why? Because they knew that they would say NO because its
all FALSE. 2 of these alleged victims, Sakina Woods and Qiturah
Lampkin weren't even served a subpoena, yet they were listed as
victims in the indictment. The Government is well aware of the
lies and plot to destroy Dr. Malachi Z. York.
Dr. Malachi Z York transported or caused minors to be
transported for unlawful sex – FALSE
Even the prosecution's own witnesses testified that Malachi York
did NOT transport any
alleged victims from New York to Georgia. They testified that
they traveled with their
parents or others, but not with Rev. Dr. Malachi York. The
defense witnesses testified
that Dr. Malachi Z York did NOT order anyone to travel to
Georgia from New York.
Dr. Malachi Z York taught his followers that he is God - FALSE
Not even the prosecution's witnesses testified to that. This is
something the media along
with the FBI and Government wants the public to believe in order
to say Dr. Malachi
York had control over people. All of the defense witnesses
laughed at the U.S. Attorney
when this issue came up in court.
Dr. Malachi Z York claimed to be Jesus - FALSE
The Government claims that Malachi York ordered his followers to
refer to him as
Imam Isa, which they say means “Father” and “Jesus”
respectively. Firstly, no one
testified that Dr. Malachi York ordered anyone to call him Imam
Isa. Secondly,
anyone can look up the Arabic word Imam and see that it means
"one up front". The
prosecution stuck their foot in their mouth when it comes to the
word "Isa" meaning
Jesus because Isa Johnson, an alleged victim called to the stand
by the prosecution and
said he was NEVER molested and NEVER saw anyone get molested.
His name is also
Isa, and thus would also make him “Jesus”, which was never
asserted by the prosecution
although it is the same name.
Dr. Malachi York structured cash to evade reporting requirements
Defense witness Neil Dukoff who is Malachi York's tax accountant
and whose father was
his accountant before that for over 30 years. Mr. Dukoff
testified, from 1996 to 2001, Dr.
Malachi Z. York reported well over 1 MILLION dollars in taxes
for EACH year. He
also testified that Malachi York paid MORE taxes that he should
have for each of those
years. Dr. Malachi Z. York was NEVER audited by the IRS and
never received any
notice from the IRS. The prosecution produced NO such documents.
You be the judge.
Why would Dr. Malachi Z. York even open a bank account if he was
trying to evade
reporting requirements?
Post Trial
On April 23, 2004 A.D., Dr. Malachi Z. York was sentenced to 135
years, an
excessive sentence an innocent man, and for the crimes for which
he was falsely accused.
In addition, the sentence was based on Sentencing guidelines for
2002 A.D. when the
guidelines for 1993 A.D. should have been used.
Following the Sentencing Hearing, a Restitution Hearing was held
in order to determine
whether alleged victims should receive money as restitution for
alleged crimes
perpetrated against them This resulted in Dr. Malachi Z York
having to
pay the Government’s partial cost of prosecution of $113,402.53
as well as $579.000 in
restitution, payment to the victims and to cover psychiatric
treatment and educational
services. On May 7, 2004 A.D. a Restitution Order in the amount
of $566,066 was
granted & signed by Judge C. A. Royal.
The criminal case against Dr. Malachi Z York was appealed to the
States 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta, Georgia, and
the appellate attorneys
were granted Oral arguments. The appeal was denied. A 2255
motion for Habeas Corpus
filing was submitted on June 26, 2007 . The same judge whose
misconduct is one of the
main points of the 2255 filing also ruled on this filing, which
was denied. In support of
the 2255 filing, numerous amendments were filed.
There was an amendment filed calling on Dr. York’s sentence to
be vacated due to prosecutorial misconduct. This filing was
supported by numerous affidavits by witnesses for the
prosecution and alleged victims who state they were threatened,
coerced and forced to perjure themselves on the witness stand
while testifying against Dr. York. In addition, local, state,
and federal investigators completely ignored established
protocols while investigating this case. Out of a total of 40
interviews of witnesses and alleged victims not one of these
interviews were recorded; there is not one audio or video tape
recording of their statements which further substantiates their
claims that they were coerced to testify against Dr. York.
A complaint was filed pursuant to 28 USC 351 filed by 200
members of Holy
Tabernacle Ministries (OFFICE located at 404 Shady Dale
Road, Eatonton GA which was raided May 8th 2002 A.D.) and
members of the community who witnessed biasness in Dr. York’s
case and other cases. This complaint was based on the religious
profiling, discrimination and biasness that Judge C. Ashley
Royal has shown in Dr. York’s case and others resulting in
Royal’s cognitive ability being called into question.
Examples of this include: refusing to recuse himself despite
conflict of interest in Dr. York’s case; demonstrating negative
sentiments against Dr. York and members of the Yamassee ; insinuating the threat of violence from
Yamassee Nuwaubian Moors,
profiling its
predominantly African American and Latino congregation; refusal
to give Dr. York a continuance leaving him within violation of
Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure 56 (c); presiding on cases
of other Nuwaubians before during and after Dr. York’s case;
using 2002 sentencing guidelines instead of 1993 sentencing
guidelines, turned a blind eye to prosecutorial misconduct;,
facilitated prosecutorial misconduct; and gagged key witnesses
who would testify to the conspiracy against Dr. York.
Dr. York has been held at United States Penitentiary
Administrative Maximum in Florence, Colorado since 2007 A.D.
According to the most recent Statement by Manfred Nowak,
United Nations Special Reporter on Torture and other cruel,
inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment on October 23, 2008
in New York, solitary confinement is considered torture. Dr.
York has been in solitary confinement since he has been in the
USP AdMax Florence.
It is in the bylaws that solitary confinement leads to insanity;
it is torture for someone to lack human contact for extended
periods. In addition he cannot go on the yard because he has
Acute Hereditary Angioedema, a potentially fatal condition, and
in case of a crisis, he would not be able to get any help. As
his attacks also can include swelling of his throat, he needs
immediate assistance when they occur. If any type of inclement
weather condition happens such as rain or snow, he is 64 years
old and could endanger his well being if the weather changes is
unable to make it back into the facility.
Dr. York never belonged at Florence to begin with according to
his custody classification. Dr. York has been continually
targeted by disciplinary actions by the prison that go against
Bureau of Prisons (BOP) policy. He has not been allowed to see
his children, which goes against BOP policy. In addition,
according to BOP policy he can write books, however he has
received disciplinary action against him for allegedly writing.
Dr. Malachi York has been unjustly accused, tried and persecuted by the
United States Justice system without being under their
jurisdiction. We wish to bring this case of gross injustice to
the eyes of the public with the hope that they will come to his
support, contacting public officials, organizations nationally
and internationally to come to his aid.