The Prayer of the Ansaars
Nayya Malachi Zodok York-El
The Receiver
A Personal Note from the
Table of Contents
Tablet 1
Epic of Creation and
Tablet 2
The Beginning
Tablet 3
The Story of Lucifer
Tablet 4
The War In The Skies
Tablet 5
The Journey of Nibiru
Tablet 6
The Origin Of the Moon
Tablet 7
The Creation Of Your
Solar System
Tablet 8
Life Forms On Tiamat,
Tablet 9
The Evolutionary Process
Tablet 10
The Replenishing of
Tablet 11
The Firmaments
Tablet 12
The New Being
Tablet 13
The Fashioning of the
Tablet 14:
In Our Image, After Our
El Istakhlaag |
The Creation |
Tablet 1:10 |
Tablet 1:19 |
the Sustainer,
which would be the token home; but instead, you became engrossed
in "your own desires."
11 While in
pursuit of physical gratification and material gain, Humims forgot
the purity with which they were formed.
12 As a result,
you have strayed from the original ways of the universe, and the
spiritual path that led you to your true destiny: universal right
knowledge, right wisdom, and the right overstanding, on to sound
right reasoning called 'NUWAUBU.'
13 Nuwaubu
informs you that there were three creations:
14 Original or
Primary creation, primarius, from primus, first.
Before the lightest atom, hydrogen, energies existed, as a form of
energy existing in the form of gases, nine levels of them from
Quarks to Bi-aps to Zedes/Zeles, referred to as sub-atomic energy,
before weight or the sum of any weight, registering as
nothingness, yet existing, being lighter than the first form of
existence hydrogen. Secondary or evolutionary
creation, the evolving of existence from density to matter to
atoms to cells, to organisms, to bodies. and Tertiary
tertiarius, from tertius, third, or ghostational creation.
The breath of life, the living soul, the existing conscious being.
15 Primary
creation was performed by nine ether beings, simply Etherians,
whose science is Nuwaubu. Nine ether represents birth,
conception as in 9 and birth, or the sum total of numbers.
There are no numbers actually higher than nine. Nuwaubu
means to convey a message that results in sound right reasoning.
So there must be a conveyor and a listener of the message.
The message is life, the conveyor is existence. Three sets
of 3, or triple darkness. First set: before
light, before energy, before matter. Second set:
before time, before space, before place. Third set:
before body, before soul, before spirit.
16 Nine ether is
the combination of all existing gases of nature. Nothing
anywhere can be as powerful as all the existing gases. On
earth these gases are known as Radon (Rn) with an atomic
number of 26, Xenon (Xe), with an atomic number of 54,
Krypton (Kr), with an atomic number of 36, Argon (Ar),
with an atomic number of 18, Neon (Ne) with an atomic
number of 10, and Helium (He) with an atomic number of 2.
These are also called The Noble Gases on a periodic or elemental
chart, on the physical chart, they are listed as thus, E2, E10,
E18, E26, E36, E54, and note the word element and elementary from
elementum, "first principle, rudiment, beginning."
Used as elementary, the beginning without importance, as of yet.
17 Therefore, 9
ether is the most potent power in all the boundless universes.
9 ether is the original creator, who grew all the universes.
9 ether beings utilized the forces that yield energy versing
energy into one form, The Universe. "Uni-meaning "uni-,
from unus, one, and verse meaning verterre, to turn, a spiral,
spiraling outward from a single point".
18 Creation from
the word creare, "to bring forth, create, produce to cause to
grow", means growth into form or system. Destruction means
change in form or composition.
19 Nine ether is
conscious and conscience gases. The Melanin-ites, the
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