The Prayer of the Ansaars


Nayya Malachi Zodok York-El

The Receiver


A Personal Note from the Receiver



Table of Contents





Tablet 1

Epic of Creation and Before


Tablet 2

The Beginning


Tablet 3

The Story of Lucifer


Tablet 4

The War In The Skies


Tablet 5

The Journey of Nibiru


Tablet 6

The Origin Of the Moon


Tablet 7

The Creation Of Your Solar System


Tablet 8

Life Forms On Tiamat, Earth


Tablet 9

The Evolutionary Process


Tablet 10

The Replenishing of Tiamat


Tablet 11

The Firmaments


Tablet 12

The New Being


Tablet 13

The Fashioning of the Adam/Kadmon


Tablet 14:

In Our Image, After Our Likeness









El Istakhlaag

The Creation


Begin All Acts And Thinking By Using El Kuluwm, The All


Tablet One

Epic Of Creation And Before

(19x6 =114)


Lo!  O my children, allow me to speak with you, for it is that time again, every 25,000 years for the renewal of your way of life, Nuwaubu.  Let me speak with you of "The Beginnings" of life, before and after the knowledge bestowed upon you of your very own creation, and the making of this planet you call Earth, and the many other planets of which you have no knowledge of.


2  Your soul, that is, the emotional you, is about to embark upon a journey through time, and space, within existence; through a time, not yet encountered by Behaymaw, the human beast, and the Humim Beings, the Children of the Aluhum.  The Humim, being of Hu "creative force of will", and Mim "also Mami, meaning "deity of birth", which is another name for Mother Ninti who gave birth to mortals.  The Human, being of Hu "creative force of will" and Mane from the Latin, "spirits of the dead."


3  Within the confines of this Holy Tablet, you shall embark upon such knowledge, which has never before been made so clear as this, for you, by any.


4  Let me start, by telling you about the beings that existed trillions of Earth years ago, before the Pre-Cambrian period.  Before you, humim beings, were created in the physical form, upon the planet Tiamat, now called Earth, from the word Eridu, there existed supreme beings of pure green light, ethereal and sub-supreme beings of the impure, amber light, fire.


5.  You cannot fully comprehend their beginnings, because their time zone is much greater than your ability to comprehend at this point.  Yet, this very tablet which you are holding in your hand will open your eyes to their time zones, that are in and beyond space.


6  These supreme beings called Anunnagi or Neteru, whose way of life was called Nuwaubu, were endowed by El Kuluwm, "The All," with a superior overstanding, 720 degrees in all.  360° degrees of spiritual or ethereal state, "the circle", and 360 degrees of the physical, material state, "the square."


7  Glory be to the one appointed, who is called intones ANU, and on Earth, El Eloh, known to many by different titles, and the best of which is known to you, and the best of which is known to you, as Ansaars is Allah in which he is, 360 degrees of the physical world, and the light of this heavens and earth, in which he is also.


8  You should know that eventually the time will come when these supreme beings, Anunnagi, would have to descend upon this planet Earth, in order to guide the inhabitants back towards their home, in and beyond the stars;


9  Thereby helping them to become once again, the supreme beings of the pure green light, ethereal energy that they once were.  But first, one must be sent to prepare a way, and that one is MYSELF.


10  And so it was.  For once Humims became rulers over the planet Earth, you gradually forgot that your purpose in life was to gain your way back towards


continue >

















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