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Government Key Witness Recants Her Testimony

Ques: Why is the government still holding Dr. Malachi Z York-EL with these FACTS from there lead witness?

Ans: Because, Abigail recantment proves the government targeted Dr. Malachi Z York-EL and the pretrial transcripts backs her testimony, No EVIDENCE, Agents didn't audio tape or video tape the alleged victims statements and more. (Government Conspiracy)

What happens when Black people can no longer recognize white racism? [read moor]

Dr. Malachi Z York-El caring ways


I, Rev. Dr. Malachi Z York Dedicate This Tablet To My Mother



First And Foremost All Gratitude Is Given To The Most High For My Very Existence.


Next I'd Like To Thank

Dr. Haroline Mary Herbert

For All Her Labors In Getting This Work Out


Dr. Sakinah Aneesah Parham

For Her Financial Help In Getting This Work Out


Dr. Habiyba Washington

Dr. Stacey Charlain Parker

Dr. Shandra Denean Stubbs

Dr. Istiyr Cole

Dr. Ebony Hill

Dr. Hajar Abd-Allah Muhammad

Dr. Carla Thomas

For All Their Secretarial Skills


Nichole Renee Lopezle 

Khadiyjah Merrit

Lisa Tarter

Jori Jeffery

Joyce Hayze

Evelyn Riviera

Atiyah Tatiyana Thomas

For The Fantastic Layout And Artwork


And All The Proof Readers And Critics

I Thank You All


Government Key Witness Recants Her Testimony

Ques: Why is the government still holding Dr. Malachi Z York-EL with these FACTS from there lead witness?

Sakinah Parham helped finance the Holy Tablets and helped with the layout, but allowed Montel Williams to make a mockery of the Tablets.  If you ever get a chance to read the Holy Tablets, you will see that it would be an honor to take part in the making of this Holy Scripture.


Sakinah is a very brite and intelligent sister, Sakina has a son by Dr. York, that wasn't by rape and when she speaks of her son with Dr. York, she speaks in a very high regarded tone, not as if she was a shame, but more like in a voice of pride, if you review the Montel Williams Show and pay close attention you will see this to be the facts.


Sakinah might be hurt, but deep down inside she knows it wasn't Dr. York that she's mad with, but that the circumstances was convenient at the time to join in this conspiracy, one reason is because she was going back and forth to court for abuse of her son. Sakinah knew that Dr. York had better resources that could help him win in  a custody battle, this she was afraid of, not that someone would harm her like the government and the media would have you believe, that is why she didn't mention anything about she was threatened on the Montel Show and you will noticed that on the Montel Show a sister name Pauline Rogers was being guided by Montel,  by leading her with questions like, " were you threatened" ?


Pauline responded not as if she was threatened, but said that someone told her that someone was looking for her, these women wasn't threatened at all, but the government and the media fooled the public as if Dr. Malachi York and the Nuwaubians was some kind of criminal type organization instead of a respectable fraternal organization, doing legal business.


 So back to the point Sakinah lived in the community for a long time and seen her parents and never once did she tell them that she was being Molested, and in fact Sakinah's mother testified for Dr. York.


Ms. Parham didn't live in the village, but came there almost every weekend and have No reason to lie for Dr. York, the media wanted the public to believe that the Nuwaubians was brainwashed, but you have religious organization like the Jehovah Witnesses that go out and propagate just like the Nuwaubians in the name of the Most High and the Nuwaubians are still doing the same things that they were doing before the raid.


Ques: Where is the illegal business that Dr. York and the Nuwaubians was committing  for the government to charge Dr. York with Racketeering  (RICO) ?


 These charges don't add up and lets see why, for one the Nuwaubians is still doing the same business, selling books that Dr. York has written.


Ques: Where is the crime in selling books ?

Ans: There was No crime, just a racist county sheriff with a lot of powerful friends, in the government and in the media, to help him FOOL the PUBLIC.


Ques: How could Dr. Malachi Z York receive a FAIR TRIAL in Georgia a known racist state ?

More coming














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