What went wrong? As with most Black leaders, who
fall into the category of being “uppity” by having the nerve
to organize others to do for self and establish independent
thinking, my firm belief is that Malachi York fell within that
category. I strongly believe those whose interests are in
maintaining the status quo, in general, target Black
leadership for silencing by one means or another.
The following is an inexhaustive listing of
some of the “white-folk crimes” that Malachi York is
- GUILTY #1 criminal offense - Encouraging
Black empowerment self-determination - GUILTY Treason
against established white racial superiority! - GUILTY
Establishing an African identity without permission -
GUILTY Teaching literacy to the masses of mis-educated
Blacks - GUILTY Providing alternative educational
information - GUILTY Creation of an original spiritual
concept - GUILTY Providing Black images negating racial
white dominance in everything - GUILTY Of establishing a
national recognition and alliance with Africans on the
Motherland. - GUILTY Establishing Divinity unto himself
when only white imagery is permissible i.e. York’s reference
as being “Savior” and “Messiah” to his people. York openly
said, ''I am the lamb, I am the man,'' on his website and also
''I am the Supreme Being of This Day and Time, God in
Flesh.'' - GUILTY Refusing to associate and depend on
others for knowledge and substance and NEVER accepted overseas
or government money for his dream - GUILTY Creating his own
Islamic Mosque, Hebrew Temple, Christian Church, Masonic
Order, Shiners Organization, Native American society, Moorish
Order, Sufi Order and the membership becoming more proficient
in those collective philosophies than those who spent
lifetimes within those cultures. - GUILTY Becoming learned
in Scriptures that augmented himself above those who practiced
those cultures thus acquiring the titles (*without permission)
of Imam (Sheik), Rabboni, Reverend, Grand Master, Master
Teacher, Chief, etc. - GUILTY Boldly organizing his members
regardless of theological persuasion and celebrating a unity
never before done by any Black in America. - GUILTY Growing
and evolving in spirituality, politics and demonstrating his
growth via additional sub-groupings of his main organization
thus attracting an even larger segment of the Black community
under the concept of what he called “BREAKING THE SPELL” of ignorance of
RITUALISTIC worship - GUILTY Organizing Black Hip Hop
youth, who were attracted to revolutionary, bold and different
teachings that spoke to the greatness of Black people and
defiance to mainstream. - GUILTY Creating and reviving his
own language Nuwaubic. - GUILTY Defiantly Writing and
self-publishing over 300 books plus translating from the
original language the Bible, Qur’an Torah and other ancient
Scriptural texts. - GUILTY Establishing a connection
between ancient Egipt (as he spells it) and those ancient
traditions and knowledge’s. - GUILTY And lastly, for Dr.
Malachi York to have the audacity to prophesize his dream for
Blacks in America by saying, “"I'm talking about a real
Nation, our own Nation," … "With our own passports, with our
own tax system, where no one tells us what to do but us." This
tone of INDEPENDENCE violated everything white-folk want to
believe about Blacks in America. York’s members referred to
the land in Georgia as a utopian society on their 476-acre
compound of Egyptian-style architecture.
As with others before him (Marcus Garvey,
Malcolm X, Imam Jamil Al’Amin, George Jackson, Assata Shukur,
Nobel Drew Ali) who also were ‘guilty’ of similar crimes
against what is allowed by the powers that be; York had to be
brought down one way or another.
York’s case raises questions about police and
FBI frame-ups, the threat to the power structure posed by
militant, race-conscious Islam, and post-9/11 religious
intolerance. The question becomes whether or not York posed
enough of a serious threat of being uppity that law
enforcement and prevention agencies would deem his continuance
a hazard that could affect the “stability” of the country as a
whole thus worthy of the millions of taxpayer dollars directed
toward York’s fall.
There is “indisputable evidence that J. Edgar
Hoover was a genuine subversive and that his FBI engaged in
the persecution of black leaders that was nothing less than
state terrorism” according to the Black Leadership Forum.
Federal investigations into Malachi York have
been going on for years that included being investigated by
the FBI, under the rubric of domestic terrorism, for crimes
including murder, bank robbery, arson, counterfeiting,
extortion, illegal weapons and had never been able to stick
anything to the law abiding group.
York being a spiritual and community leader
with a large following was reason enough for a federal
investigation of him and his organization.
York is slandered in every major network and
media outlet in America for years. The press was out to get
York from the beginning and intensified its negative portrayal
of York throughout York’s relocation to Georgia. The press
portrayed York as a “fanatic” and always referred to his
organization as a “cult”. They freely interpreted his remarks
of Blacks seeing themselves as “GODS” to be an argument for
York being a religious heretic, rather than a description of
positive self-imagery, which is what York really promoted.
In the mid eighties there was much data
floating around the Black communities that was aimed at
causing friction between his organization (Nubian Islamic
Hebrews) and other mainstream Black Sunni Islamic groups. Some
entity seems to have tried to create deadly feuds among the
leadership between Muslim groups in New York.
In the late eighties, a Caribbean Muslim,
under Saudi Arabian influence and monetary backing, launched
an all out attack upon the Ansaar Movement and York’s personal
character via a book that was freely distributed by the Saudi
government all over the United States and Caribbean islands
denouncing York’s Islamic teachings as being not only
heretical but “criminal” because of what they claimed to
expose of the issue of some of York’s members being on public
assistance. The book included a Muslim cleric’s decree that no
true Muslim should be associated with the Ansaaru Allah
Several attempts were made in the late
eighties by foreign Islamic governments to directly subsidize
his organization, which was flatly turned down by York in
every case. York refused to give any non-Black Muslim foreign
statesmen an audience.
A thwarted attempt is made upon his life by
supposedly an ex-disgruntled member. Later, members asserted
that the assassin was being paid by unnamed sources for the
New York City investigates his organization
and although his taxes were up to date pressured different
levels of city government to harass and levy costly fines on
the groups housing facilities.
York changes doctrine of Islamic/Hebrew to
focusing upon his Native American heritage thus leaving no
ground for Muslims to criticize him.
York moves from rural upstate New York to
Eatontown, Ga., paid nearly $1 million for 476 acres and
established sub-organizations that reflected his personal
growth and spiritual development that included Masonry,
Moorish Science, Occult metaphysical knowledge, astronomy and
Kemetian ideology. His organization builds on the land the
most exotic, history revealing monuments reflective of an
Egyptian ancient city.
The local authorities move to block his
building of structures on his land unless approved by them in
code and DESIGN.
Ex-members are picked off to testify against
him on various charges, which resulted in the coning of some
close members of his family to testify sexual misconduct
against him.
In May 2002, federal authorities and the
local sheriff's office raided the group's compound, took five
children into protective custody and arrested York at a
Milledgeville grocery store. York was charged with numerous
state counts of molesting children and charge with federal
violations. The 300 law enforcement officers, from the ground
and air, stormed the compound and confiscated documents,
computers, seized $400,000 in cash and numerous guns found in
searches of his Putnam County compound and Athens home and
made arrests. Many of the children who were there at the time
testified that they were terrified by the incident. York was
arrested himself at another location and charged with
molestation and endangering the welfare children.
The government has maintained possession of
the cash since it was seized during York's arrest and during
the raids on the two properties.
After his arrest, York was indicted by a
federal grand jury and a Putnam County grand jury. In January,
just before the trial was to begin on the state charges, York
pleaded guilty in federal court to one count of attempting to
evade federal financial reporting requirements and one count
of transporting minors across state lines for the purpose of
having sex with them so that as he said, “(in order) to free
his wife from imprisonment”.
York pleads "not guilty" to 208 criminal
counts of sexually molesting and exploiting minor
After 2 years of incarceration and judicial
preliminaries, in January ’04 Malachi York was convicted in
Georgia in his failed attempt to vindicate himself of the
charges. He was sentenced in April of this year to 135 years
in prison for purportedly racketeering and molesting boys and
girls at the group's ancient Egyptian-style compound. U.S.
District Judge C. Ashley Royal sentenced him in Macon. This
sentencing occurred despite the fact that new evidence has
come forth in the form of a videotaped statement of the key
witness for the government, Habiba “Abigail” Washington in
which she states that she was coerced and threatened by the
law enforcement officials to testify against Malachi York.
Malachi York, the 58-year-old ``Master
Teacher'' of the United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors, will also
have to forfeit the 476-acre compound, adorned with pyramids
and a sphinx.
Earlier last month, York's wife was sentenced
to 20 years in prison, of which two years would have to be
served and the remainder served on probation. After her
release from prison, Johnson will be banished from all Georgia
counties except Clayton.
"If she does one thing wrong, she'll be
brought back to Georgia and we'll bring her back in front of
the judge," Ocmulgee Judicial Circuit assistant prosecutor
Dawn Baskin said Tuesday. "She was sentenced to 20 years in
prison on each of these charges, and we would ask for the full
sentence if she breaks the law."