Constitution [read this]
Government Key
Witness Recants Her Testimony
Ques: Why is the government still holding
Dr. Malachi Z York-EL with these FACTS from there lead witness?
Ans: Because, Abigail recantment proves the
government targeted Dr. Malachi Z York-EL and the pretrial transcripts
backs her testimony, No EVIDENCE, Agents didn't audio tape or video tape
the alleged victims statements and more. (Government Conspiracy)
Dr. Malachi Z York-El caring ways
RICO was used against Dr. Malachi
Z York without merit.
After reading
the court transcripts dated Dec. 16, 2003 guest what,
another investigative lawyer found that the government
charge Mr. York with (RICO), why? Because of three
money deposits.
The attorney said the alleged child molestation had
nothing to do with depositing money,
he also stated that the original charges was (interstate
commerce) and when the government takes a year and
half to
charge a defendant with new charges that's a sign that
they would not win with the original charges
No witness [read]